Friday, February 1, 2019

Winter Love

I would like to decorate this silence,
but my house grows only cleaner
and more plain. The glass chimes I hung
over the register ring a little
when the heat goes on.
I waited too long to drink my tea.
It was not hot. It was only warm.

- Linda Gregg

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Soul of a Storm

She has the soul of a storm and the freedom of the wind.
She has eyes like the stars with moonshine within.
With the strength of the sea and lightning in her toes
She dances on the breeze of change wherever she goes.
Hotter than a volcano and deeper than the oceans
A whirling, swirling myriad of feelings & emotions.
She is daughter of the earth, primordially inspired.
She is water, she is wood. She is earth. She is fire!

-Ms Moem